mosquito lagoon fishing

Fall Means High Water on Mosquito Lagoon

We didn’t get a lot of fishing in this past week due to the relentless wind. However, if you’re like me, you’re happy Fall is in the air and enjoying the slightly cooler air temps!

Another trait of the Fall season is high water. Most Mosquito Lagoon anglers prefer low water levels as it tends to concentrate the redfish into schools. I’ve never been of this mindset and prefer the fish to spread out, which allows the boats to spread out, as well!

For the next couple of months, I’ll be poling the shorelines tight to the bank. Beating the trees is a favorite tactic of mine. Yep, we’ll be tossing Z-Man plastics rigged on Chinlockz or Snakelockz hooks. Four inch Curly Tailz, Diezel Minnowz and Jerk Shadz will get the most time on the lines and we’ll toss five inch Jerk Shadz and Diezel Minnowz when it’s appropriate. We’ll also be tossing EZ Shrimpz along the trees when baitfish lures are being ignored. No matter what the season, a shrimp is hard for the predators to overlook!

Don’t forget the top water plugs; my favorite being Tsunami’s K9 Walker will get the attention of some monster spotted seatrout as they target some of the remaining silver mullet.

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