Getting into June Fishing

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  • Capt. Billy Rotne PRO
    June 2, 2020

    A nice red caught on a recent Mosquito Lagoon trip with Capt. Billy.

    This past week has been challenging weather wise with the start of our rainy season and a couple tropical waves which subsequently turned into land falling tropical systems in the Carolinas, but the fishing has remained good. We have been catching a lot of fish in both the bay boat and the skiffs.

    In the bay boat we have been catching a lot of big bull reds on almost every trip. The bite should remain strong through June. Tarpon have also showed up and we have been hooking a few on both bait and fly.

    The back country fishing has been good for redfish and trout with fly and spin tackle, recent rains increased the water height and will have the fish hunting shallow in the far reaches of the back country very soon and should make for some great sight fishing!

    1. mosquito lagoon redfish

    After guiding Mosquito Lagoon and it’s headwater Ponce Inlet for almost 15 years, Capt. Billy enjoys his career more than ever. Guiding more than 200 days a year, the vast majority of his customers are repeat clients and have become good friends. He always welcomes new clients and truly enjoys sharing the experience. Call (386) 290-9897 to book a trip, or visit Tail Hunter Charters on the web.

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