This week the surf has been on fire with the full moon and the mullet run starting to take off. The normal catches of whiting and lots of early season pompano early mornings until around 10am and then again in the evening. But with the finger mullet pods being super thick and everything from ladyfish, snook, tarpon, bluefish, and even some nice mutton snapper have been caught of the beach.
As far as rigs go your standard 2 or 3 drop pompano rig with fresh dead shrimp, live sand fleas, fish bites, and fish gum has been the bait of choice. Now for the more toothy fish, I have been running a Carolina rig with anywhere from 30-80lbs mono with a 4/0-7/0 circle hook with a live finger mullet. As for plugs the medium to large poppers, classic silver spoon, and diamond jigs have been the way to go. Even live lining some of the bigger mullet for fun exciting strike.

Byran is a professional surf fishing and land based shark fishing guide based out New Smyrna Beach, FL. Call (386) 216-8025 to book a trip, or visit Southern Bred Fishing Charters on the web.