mosquito lagoon redfish

What Happened to Winter?

It seemed as though we were stepping into winter here in New Smyrna Beach, but I believe Mother Nature had a change of plans. We got a recent warming trend, which also changed wind direction bringing an influx of water back into the backwaters of the Halifax River and Mosquito Lagoon. The higher water levels make for a little bit more difficult of a time fishing because the game fish and bait tend to scatter over much greater areas. It seems as though with the shifting winds that the water clarity has also diminished a bit, making sight fishing a little harder then in the past weeks. As we have a cold front approaching this week, I expect the water to clean up and empty a bit in the Mosquito Lagoon along with the backwaters of New Smyrna Beach. When this happens, look for the redfish and trout to be holding around the oyster bars and in the sand holes throughout the lagoons.

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